If you are like a lot of people, you probably dream of quitting your day job and working for yourself. People around the world dream of being their own bosses and beating the time clock and the … [Read more...]
Archives for October 2012
How Internet Companies Really Make Money [Interactive Infographic]
The Internet is truly a dream. Any information at any time, at any place, at a minimum cost. But there is still a paradox. … [Read more...]
The Unexpected Advantages of the Internet
Have you ever heard that saying "To teach is to learn twice?" When you share information on your website, not only are you educating your readers, but you're reinforcing it in your own mind. … [Read more...]
Top 5 Reasons to Take Your Business from Bricks to Digits
Creating an online presence gives you access not only to so many more opportunities, but also so many more consumers. You're no longer confined to your neighborhood or the people who have done … [Read more...]
Is Your Glass Half Empty or Half Full?
Croatia is famous in this part of Europe as desirable destination for summer holidays. A month ago I was spending a holiday with my family. We decided to go to small town called Tribunj near … [Read more...]