We’ve all heard them and we’ve all made them: New Year’s resolutions.
The problem with promises like these is that they’re usually made under duress (because your friends are) or without the right motivation (a burst of inspiration or a decision made on a whim.)
Neither of these will sustain you throughout the year.
The time is now
If you actually plan on making a change, you can’t put it off. Not until the 1st of the year, not until Monday, not for another five minutes.
When you’re trying to lose weight, you’re not supposed to spend the last night binging on peanut butter cups, Snickers bars and Kit Kats.
If you really have reached that point where you’re tired of the way things are, you’re going to change THAT MOMENT. Put the chocolate down. Pick up the pencil. Write ten words. Repeat every day.
Resolution achieved.
There’s a point you get to where you start complaining to your family and friends.
I’m not happy with the way things are right now.
I wish I made more money.
I want to finish my book so bad.
One of these days, I’m going to finish this project.
Do any of these sound familiar? Do you know this is still not the time when you’re going to change?
Complaining is just the beginning
Complaining about things is just the beginning of the road to change. It’s the first recognition that things are not right.
Think of it as the on-ramp to a life-changing highway and your destination is ten miles down the road.
When you are TRULY sick of waking up to an unfinished project or goal, you’re going to do something about it. You may not even tell anyone about it.
You’re just going to jump in and actually finish the thing. You’re going to sit down at your laptop and write the story. You’re going to go work out for 45 minutes.
Your friends may notice a difference in you because of the finished results and say so. Then, you’ll tell them what you’ve been working on and feel good about it.
But all of this comes down to one moment when you finally make the mental decision!
Make the choice
It’s not about listing your resolutions in full view of everyone so you can compare progress for the first week, talk about them the second week and completely leave them behind in the third week.
Writing down your goals is important, but this is not the same thing.
Don’t wait for tomorrow to get here. Make the change today, here, now. If you have something on your mind, write it down.
Don’t wait for the next perfect five-minute time period. Surely you can make notes while you’re sitting there watching TV or waiting for your kids in the car.
Things are only going to change when you quit accepting excuses from yourself. The longer you allow yourself to create obstacles, the longer it’s going to be before you reach your goals—and perhaps you never will.
Change your life
Resolutions are not the answer. Making a life change is the answer.
Tired of your life? Change it.
Tired of having three or four writing projects sitting around? Finish them.
You do have the time. You make time to eat, don’t you?
You make time to take care of your kids, don’t you? The things that matter seem to find their way into our daily lives.
Why? Because we have to.
Treat your goals the same way. The only way they’re going to happen is if YOU do it.
So, yes, you have to do this, every day.
My new attitude
As I sit here thinking about this new year, this is where I am. I’m sick of hearing myself make excuses for where I want to be.
So guess what? I’m done with resolutions.
It’s time for change and that change is me.
Plans for the New Year
This is the way I’m approaching 2013. No excuses. No excuses in writing, in life, in business, in fitness.
I tell my kids all the time how powerful they are. Every choice they make determines what happens next.
If I can pass that along to them, they will never experience personal disappointment because of a lack of motivation. I need to remember this myself during daily life.
The decision I make right now determines what happens in the next ten minutes.
Do I want to feel good about myself? Then, I need to get the job done, don’t I?
Share your future
If you’re ready to make a change, please share your story as well. I’d love to hear what has moved you to a point where you’re tired of complaining and you’re ready to take action!
Don’t share what you’d like to do this next year or what you’re thinking of. Share only what you’re going to do.
Let’s stop talking about what could happen and start making things happen!
Hi Valerie,
This is exactly right. Yesterday (january 1st) my husband and I saw so many people riding their bikes and jogging (not sure if it was for pleasure, or for exercise resolution, but either way it got me thinking). People aren’t going to stick to a resolution if they plan to start on January first. You will know that you’ll stick to a resolution if you decided on December 27th that you want to change something and you start that day. If you’re out jogging on December 31st, you’re much more likely to keep your exercise resolution than if you start on January 1st. Great article 🙂
Thank you Lisha–I’m so glad it hit home with you too! It seems like it’s taken such a long time to get to this point, but now that I am, I really want to see great results. Since I’m not waiting for any particular time to change, this year is going to see some fabulous changes. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and here’s to your success! 😀