If you’re wondering how complicated is to install the Genesis child theme, let me just say – no more than handling an email.
You heard well, if you know how to save the file to your computer and then upload it to the right place, that’s all what it takes.
Now, watch the video below to see it for yourself.
Video resume:
- After you purchase your Genesis theme, check your email for a link to download it.
- When you download the theme, it will be in a zipped file. Don’t unzip it because the zipped file is what you will need for the following step.
- Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Appearance > Themes.
- On the Themes page, click the “Install Themes” tab at the top of your screen.
- Click the “Upload” link and find the genesis.zip file from your computer and then click the “Install Now” button.
- Now find the child theme’s zip file and upload it as well. Make sure you activate the child theme, and not the Genesis parent theme.
You are now ready to show your work to the rest of the world.
If you’re experiencing some problems about installing your Genesis theme, put it in the comments below.
I’ve installed a lot of Genesis child themes over the years but I still remember my first install.
Took me ages to get the idea of installing Genesis and then installing the child theme but the penny dropped eventually.
I’m sure the video will help lots of new Genesis users.
Installing first Genesis child theme is like first love – I like this Keith ;).
My first installation was actually this site and everything went well (and easy). From that point I fell in love with Genesis.
Thanks Keith, appreciate your comment.
Installing a genesis theme is a very easy task. The main task start after installing it, which is configuring that theme for your blog. anyways thanks for the worthy post.
I agree installing the theme is an easy task but also the theme settings aren’t so difficult to set up.
Thanks Rahul for stopping by.
Hi Dragan. I stumbled upon your site while surfing on tutorials of how to customise Eleven40 Genesis child theme. I just got the theme for my blog http://www.scholarsvision.com but my problem is that the look is so disordered that i was forced to revert to my old theme. The first post was showing a full post and the other posts below it was split into two. Can you recommend on where to get a detail tutorial on this or help me to drop the link if you have written on this previously. Thanks.
Hi James,
You’re using the latest eleven40 pro theme. As I mentioned in my post here this is a new theme and just upgrading will overwrite your existing code. That’s why you have things disordered. But don’t be scared it all can be fixed.
On first sight, you need to make a proper theme setup. For example your site title is too long, too many items in primary navigation etc.
You have a nice tutorials for the eleven40 pro under StudioPress support. This should help to make proper theme settings.
If this doesn’t help send me the PM and I’m sure we can arrange something.
Hi Dragan. Thanks for your prompt reply. As am talking to you now and reading your other post you mentioned. I shall surely keep you posted as it goes and if need be i wouldn’t mind contacting you to help me out if you wpuld be willing. Thanks once more.