Online education isn’t a new way of learning, the method has been around for many years now but perhaps it’s only been in the last 5 years where technology has helped its popularity increase with students worldwide.
These days anything that it learnt in a classroom environment can also be easily learnt from the comfort of your own home, but whilst many succeed in classroom based institutions, some also fail and here is why.
1. Lack of computer skills
First we bring you to the fact that many students will struggle when it comes to computer skills, it may be something simple to us but to a beginner trying to fathom out how to create formulas in excel for a course module it can stump them in their tracks.
Also navigating to certain areas of the online education system can pose the simplest problems that are better dealt with in person. Obviously in a classroom based environment help is always on hand in a practical form, which in many instances is much preferred by students and teachers.
2. Technology troubles
The internet is a wonderful invention but at any time your home broadband could go down for any reason at all. It may be to do with scheduled maintenance, weather conditions or just a general fall in the supply.
Sometimes you could be without broadband for hours or even days, and all this is time that you will lose on your study that you wouldn’t from a classroom based education.
If it’s not broadband, it could be something simple like the online interface not allowing you to login for some reason, or access to certain areas being slow.
3. Not prepared for online education
Online education has plenty of positives to take from it but where it does fall down is in the fact that an individual needs to be positive, proactive and have determination in their sights.
Without these couple of characteristics students will notice that they will fall behind class modules and fail the end tests.
Online education isn’t for everybody and distractions that come with learning at home and on your own are one of the biggest factors for students failing online courses.
4. Failed to adapt to a new learning style
Learning online requires a lot of self-discipline and motivation if you are going to get it right and a lot of people, who think they have these basic concepts, really don’t, but they only find out when it’s far too late to do anything about it.
Adapting to a new style of learning isn’t everyone’s bag, and those that are best learning under the supervision of a classroom environment should stick with what they know best or at least look for private tutoring sessions from home where they still have that authority figure with them to push them forward in their online studies.
5. Not utilizing good time management
One of the many reasons people choose online education in today’s society is that it helps bring them flexibility to their busy life styles. So, for a person who already works 9-5 each day of the week, they aren’t going to be able to fit in classes during the afternoon, so instead an online platform is the best alternative.
The only issue we run into here is time management, as it’s so easy for a busy worker to return home and have the best intentions of sitting down for an hour or two in the evening to study, but then ultimately put it off.
That’s 2 hours wasted, and then the learner will find it hard to catch up and manage their time for study.
So, have you ever thought of attending an online education? What’s holding you back besides mentioned above?