Lately there has been more and more discussions about newspapers and television as a dying media.
So many years and money have been invested in TV and newspapers, but lately it seems that the future of newspapers and TV doesn’t look so good.
Last few years social media like Facebook and Twitter, have been recording unstoppable increase of users and profits. Newspapers on the other hand, have to cut their costs and struggle for survival on a daily basis.
The power of digital media and Internet
Those who have realized the power of social media and Internet, have already collected a good number of online readers, while others are threatened with destruction if they take no action.
Do you want to know Three Reasons Why Every Smart Startup Is A Digital Media Company, I suggest you read Brian’s Clark first published article at Forbes.
Personally, I’ve never been a fan of the newspapers. I always browse and never actally read them. They are too static and too boring.
The content is usually old for few days, so I wonder why continue reading newspapers, and paying for them?
Information at hand and any time
Nowadays, the Internet offers us all the information you wish at any time, while newspapers are limited with the number of pages and usually filled with any content just to fill the space.
The last 3-4 years the phenomenon of the “smart phones” even more complicated already difficult situation of the newspapers.
Information is now not only available on PC at home or your work, but at any time and anywhere. With one click, we can find out what interests us the most – unlike the newspapers what they think is interesting for us.
Is there space for old media…?
As for TV, I think it’s the same as the print media. We pay for the subscription and programs which we don’t want to watch, the news are old, and we are completely manipulated by the content.
Results show that there’s no space for the old media in the new world.
Am I right, wrong or middling? What do you think about the future of TV and print media? Do you read the newspapers?
While I do think that the age of big media is over. Print isn’t completely out. I have a Kindle and enjoy reading it, but there is something about in print books that an e-reader or computer can’t match. (Plus, they never crash.) One thing that will happen just like with any down market is that those print and tv media outlets that don’t stay on top of their game will be eliminated by the market. The great thing about this is that your voice is no longer silenced! Anyone can speak up. Unlike the old days where an editor could choose to print your article or not. Now, anyone can write a blog post…like this one! People seeking out info on that topic will find it.
On a side note, the last time I watched regular TV, the Steelers were playing in the
Superbowl. So maybe that says something about the topic. Now, I use Netflix or other online sources to watch “TV”.
Thanks Burl for stopping by, appreciate your comment.
I like how you said it about the interaction between the reader and media.
I think this is going to be crucial for any media survival.
I think that elderly people enjoy reading the newspaper (and some younger people as well). But for the most part, I think newspapers will die out soon. I think TV can live on for a long time because people seem to not mind watching reruns and as long as they keep making entertaining shows, it should thrive. Some people really like their tv. I for one just use antenna, so I don’t pay for channels, just the electricity while it’s on. I watch tv online on sites like
Thanks Lisha for your interesting thinking about the old/new media.